UEFISCDI is giving you the opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of the Romanian higher education quality assurance sistem through the “Higher Education Evidence Based Policy Making: a necessary premise for progress in Romania” project. The project aims to have a consistent look at several components of Romania’s higher education system. One of the elements it analyzes is the internal quality assurance system in Romanian universities, especially looking at its fitness for purpose in the eyes of the academic communities and society at large. By internal quality assurance we understand the processes designed by your university that try to safeguard the quality of the education, research and support processes, as well as ensure their continuous enhancement.
To voice your opinion, and to identify key information with regards to current quality assurance systems, we would kindly ask you to answer the following questions:
1. What experiences do you have with institutional quality assurance? Why do you think it is relevant (or not)?
2. Have you ever been consulted about institutional-level Quality Assurance? If so, how have you been consulted or do you know why you have not been consulted?
3. How would you change or improve quality assurance in Romanian universities?
We await answers from professors, representatives of the private sector, of student and trade unions, from experts, as well as from other parties interested in quality assurance in higher education. Please note if the opinion you are expressing is your personal one or that of the organization you are a member of.
Please send your answers and opinions to secretariat-podca@uefiscdi.ro in either Romanian or English. The answers obtained will only be used for the purpose of academic analysis. The project will include a follow-up stage in which a team of experts will visit several institutions for a more in-depth analysis.
The information provided by you will be treated in full confidentiality and will not be made public in any way.